Ways To Make People Enjoy Your Company More

Do you like being in the company of people? Then adopt some of the points in this article to make people enjoy your company
Ways To Make People Enjoy Your Company More
You have to develop your emotional intelligence in order to learn how to control your emotions and become someone that other people enjoy being around. To put it simply, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and control both your own and other people's feelings.
People who possess emotional intelligence are generally regarded as pleasant companions by others due to their ability to maintain composure, avoid needless drama, and appropriately handle various situations.
Here are some strategies for becoming that kind of person:
  • Smell Nice
Only smells are directly processed by the brain's limbic nervous system, which is also responsible for emotions, memories, and instincts. 
For this reason, the smell of a certain perfume has the power to instantly transport you to a specific memory or moment in your life and change your mood.
Different scents can inspire, lift, entice, and even elevate your mood as well as the moods of those around you. 
They can also help you relax. Because scent has the ability to influence physical health, evoke memories, affect emotions, and lessen stress, it is actually the most powerful sense known to humans. 
  • Keep Your Distance
People who keep to themselves, don't get involved in other people's drama, and don't try to be nosy find it easier to hang out with.
When asked or when it's required, people are more likely to listen intently and offer guidance.
  • Less Complaining
Whining is a very bad habit because it indicates that the person is constantly trying to portray themselves as the victim.
Nobody truly likes to listen to someone who constantly complains or whines because it depresses other people and drains their energy; additionally, it frequently forces them to try to comfort, counsel, or assist even when they're not in the mood.
  • Less Gossip
Being a gossip is an unhealthy behavior that can cause people to distance themselves from you or break up with you.
People are less at ease with you if you have a reputation for not gossiping.
  • Don't Be Hard on Yourself
People who are mean and uneasy really enjoy negative self-talk, which makes it an unattractive trait. Humans generally find it depressing to be around people who don't see the positive aspects of themselves, even though there may be moments when you feel low and need support when you are criticizing yourself.
You give people a reason to be drawn to you when you talk about yourself in an alluring and positive (rather than conceited or haughty) manner.
  • When necessary, say no.
Unbelievably, people value those who set boundaries. Saying no when it's necessary demonstrates restraint and awareness of your boundaries, qualities that many find admirable.
  • Have self-reliance
It's simple to relate to self-sufficient people because they don't physically or emotionally burden others.
People are wary of needy, clinging individuals who rely on other people to make them feel happy and valuable.
  • Stay Away from the Past
People who focus on the past rather than drawing lessons from it are not the bright lights that most people want in their lives; those who are hopeful, grateful, and happy are.
It's not very interesting to hang around with people who constantly talk about their past, their pains, and their mistakes.

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